This is a new program from Klock Werks ----' Try it before you buy it' -which means you get
(1)11.5" clear demo flare (1) 11.5" tint flare
(1) 8.5" tint demo flare (1) 8.5" tint flare
(1) 6.5" dark smoke flare (1) 6.5" dark smoke flare
(1) 3.5" black demo flare (1) 3.5" black flare
(1) acrylic slat wall/countertop display .
Part# 9903-0325
(contact Drag rep 364 to order)
Here's a video that explains the program and windshields. These windshields do work --- I've been using it since they first came out. They throw the wind up over your head and creates a down force on the front end for more stability.
Here's some feedback on the new Billboard Flare Windshield for Softails Roadkings and Sportsters.
Retail $229.95
First Wave of Billboard Flare Windshield Riders AgreeWarmer weather in some parts of the country and an “I don’t care I’m going to ride as long as the streets are clear” attitude in other parts has generated a lot of feedback on the New Klock Werks Billboard Flare Windshield. Riders agree that the patented design and flip make riding the New billboard a major improvement over the OEM style tombstone their bike came with.
“I absolutely noticed the down-force compared to the stock shield. It’s just like the feeling I get with the Street Glide Klock Werks Flare Windshield. Much more stable in the handlebars, which gave me way more confidence in the wind and rain,” said Dean Lambert, Patriot Guard Riders-Iowa Chapter. “My half helmet usually rises up and digs into my neck, but with this windshield it stays right in place.” He added “It all but eliminated the turbulence in front of the rider from the wind. I was considering buying the fork mounted wind deflectors with this windshield, the Billboard eliminates the need to in my opinion. Wind is already being deflected away from my legs nicely evident by the way it kept rain off of my knees.” “ Another excellent innovation.”
Here is what Paul Hovind, a Security Manager at the San Diego International Airport, said about his experience with the New Klock Werks Billboard in a recent email.
“A buddy and I went up to Hell’s Kitchen just outside of Lake Elsinore, California, yesterday and did some more testing on the shield. We put on over 200 highway miles on the shield and just as I suspected, it was flawless. We ended up heading back on the 15 to San Diego into a 20+ headwind with us rolling along at about 80. I took my gloves of so I could get a feel for the turbulence around the windshield and was amazed at how little there was. The wind coming over the top of the shield was right at the top of my helmet and was “Clean” unlike my old shield that tended to bounce my head around at that speed. The wind coming from underneath the shield is almost nonexistent; I noticed the skirts extend lower and slightly wider than the stock glass and have that aerodynamic shape that deflects the relative wind away from the rider. The added stability is the is the thing that impressed me the most; when I read that it would provide down force instead of lift on the frontend I thought “Ya sure, that makes a difference”. Was I wrong, that made all the difference in handling at highway speeds; the faster I go the more stable it is! You should advertize the shield as a safety enhancement to the bike. The only bad part is that I’ve been trying to sell the wife on getting a Road Glide to get more protection from the wind but I’m having a hard time selling it now.”
Don’t worry I already apologized about dashing his hopes for a new bike.
Dan, Klock Werks’ General Manager and lead designer, took the Road King style Billboard Flare on the Drag Specialties Adirondack ride this year and said after 1600 miles in a few short days that he was impressed and was glad to see it did everything the team hoped it would do for both the rider and passenger. Stability and superior wind management.
Riders in Daytona for Bike Week are getting their first chances to demo the shield at the truck. Their feedback is the same. Some even bought the shield and retro fit it for their Boss Hoss and another couple of guys made the headlight modification so they could use it with their Crossbones. One customer said after riding the New Billboard Flare for the first time, “It’s not and accessory it’s an necessity.”
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